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Colin Jackson reveals Britain's favourite school meal

Written by PSC Team
9th Nov 2009 - 00:00
Prior to the start of NSMW 2009, people of all ages were asked to cast their vote online for their favourite, or most fondly remembered, school meal from a choice of twelve typical school main courses

Glasgow pupils cook up a storm for top chefs

Written by PSC Team
6th Nov 2009 - 00:00
Michelin-starred chef, Martin Wishart, who runs the restaurant in Cameron House Hotel on Loch Lomond and owns the Michelin Star Restaurant Martin Wishart will take his place among 24 diners at the Hot

Manchester's school meal provider wins three awards

Written by PSC Team
5th Nov 2009 - 00:00
Each year Manchester City Council runs its Awards for Excellence, which are designed to recognise individuals and teams who are star performers in delivering quality services to local residents.

New data suggests child obesity may be levelling off

Written by PSC Team
3rd Nov 2009 - 00:00
The National Heart Forum compared previous forecasts of obesity prevalence based on Health Survey for England (HSE) obesity data, to new updated forecasts based on data between 2000 and 2007.

School cooks across Derbyshire scoop top awards

Written by PSC Team
30th Oct 2009 - 00:00
Derbyshire County Council held its eighth annual Primary Catering Quality Assurance Awards and seventh annual Secondary Catering Awards to recognise top quality service provided to schools by the auth