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Horsemeat scandal dents consumer confidence in food industry

Written by PSC Team
13th Mar 2013 - 09:40
Consumer trust in the food industry has dropped by a quarter (24%), with 30% now buying less processed meat and a quarter (24%) buying fewer ready meals with meat in or choosing vegetarian options. Two thirds of people (68%) don’t think the Government has been giving enough attention to enforcing labelling laws, with half of consumers (50%) not confident ingredient information is accurate. 44% say they now look at ingredient labelling more on food containing meat, with 83% agreeing that country of origin labelling should be required on meat products.

British Turkey Awards 2013 - now open for entries

Written by PSC Team
11th Mar 2013 - 14:50

The 17th edition of the annual awards for the best British turkey products comprises 12 carefully selected categories – including retail and foodservice sectors.

FSA update on EU meat sampling programme

Written by PSC Team
28th Feb 2013 - 15:23

The European Commission (EC) has asked member states to put Official Control Plans in place that allow sampling and testing for presence of horse DNA in foods marketed or labelled as containing bee

KFC uses its annual conference to focus on its people

Written by PSC Team
22nd Feb 2013 - 10:58

Held at the Celtic Manor resort near Newport, South Wales, the conference costs £500,000 to organise, and is the only time of the year when managers from all of KFC’s 850 UK restaurants, along with

Catering equipment supply chain calls on members to take the Apprenticeship Pledge

Written by PSC Team
21st Feb 2013 - 12:57
The programme is being developed by the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) and CESA’s involvement will be a key part of a high profile launch with Michael Hancock, Skills Minister, during Apprenticeship Week, 11th-15th March 2013. The Association is calling on its members, along with other companies and organisations in the catering equipment supply chain, to pledge to take on apprentices.

Institute of Hospitality survey reveals health of the industry's workforce

Written by PSC Team
20th Feb 2013 - 10:15
Seven out of 10 managers said they exercise at least once a week and with 11% exercising on a daily basis. The vast majority of managers who took part in the survey do not smoke (87.7%) and over three quarters (76%) said they drink 10 or fewer alcoholic drinks a week and 11% do not drink at all. But the survey wasn’t all good news. More than a third of respondents (35.8%) said they feel stressed at work either often or every day.

Brits ‘double their spending’ in restaurants and cafés in last decade

Written by PSC Team
20th Feb 2013 - 09:23
In its latest ‘The Way We Pay’ report, figures showed that entertainment spending has risen by over 60%, outstripping the growth in consumer spending by over a quarter. Spending in restaurants and cafés soared by 102% over the 10-year period but pubs didn’t fare as well with just a 7% rise. In total, Brits spent £58 billion having fun last year, almost one and a half times as much as they paid for gas and electricity (£34 billion).