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Institute of Hospitality survey reveals health of the industry's workforce

20th Feb 2013 - 10:15
The Institute of Hospitality has conducted a wellness survey of hospitality management professionals providing a mixed bag of results.

Seven out of 10 managers said they exercise at least once a week and with 11% exercising on a daily basis.

The vast majority of managers who took part in the survey do not smoke (87.7%) and over three quarters (76%) said they drink 10 or fewer alcoholic drinks a week and 11% do not drink at all.

But the survey wasn’t all good news. More than a third of respondents (35.8%) said they feel stressed at work either often or every day.

And a good night’s sleep proved elusive with over half (53%) revealing that they only sleep five or six hours a night.

Nearly one third (28.8%) of the managers who took part in the online survey said they never do any exercise.

Peter Ducker FIH, chief executive of the Institute of Hospitality, commented on the importance of wellness in the workplace: “Being a manager in a dynamic and growing industry such as hospitality takes stamina. By making sensible lifestyle choices there is no reason why we cannot enjoy long, successful and healthy working lives. Paying attention to our own health and well-being makes a lot of sense.”

Written by
PSC Team