NHS England to introduce sugar tax in hospital cafes
Hospitals will start charging more for high-sugar drinks and snacks in their cafes and vending machines by 2020 to discourage staff, patients and visitors from buying them.
Hospitals will start charging more for high-sugar drinks and snacks in their cafes and vending machines by 2020 to discourage staff, patients and visitors from buying them.
Lord Clinton-Davis asked the House what plans the Government has to impose a sugar tax on fizzy drinks.
The visit was organised by West Sussex County Council as part of an ongoing awareness campaign by the National Association of Care Catering (NACC), which showcases the benefits of the Meals on Whee
Currently, the world record for the most afternoon teas served in one place is 569 and 667 across a multi-site.
The National Obesity Forum believes that the 20% levy recommended by Public Health England and championed by a number of chefs, politicians and health bodies would be ‘insufficient’.
The hospital treated 24 babies and toddlers under three years old for obesity in 24, up from 15 in 2014, four in 2013, two in 2012 and just one in 2011.
The new guidelines, which are the first since 1995, recommend it is safest not to drink more than 14 units per week to keep health risks from drinking alcohol to a low level.
The report, from Cancer Research UK and the UK Health Forum, also predicts that if current trends continue almost three in four adults will be overweight or obese by 2034 and more people will be ob
There are also thought to be 549,000 people with undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes in the UK according to the figures extracted from GP patient data.
Asked for their views on the food they are served, school meals are frequently "unhealthy’, ‘fatty’ or ‘soggy’, according to the primary school pupils who eat them.