Government faces legal action to provide free school meals over the summer
It follows the announcement by the Government on June 4th that it will not extend a national food voucher system for children over the summer.
It follows the announcement by the Government on June 4th that it will not extend a national food voucher system for children over the summer.
Chief executive Dominic Blakemore said: “Given the uncertainty in the short term outlook, a strong balance sheet will allow us to weather the crisis whilst continuing to invest in the business to e
The cookbook offers over 40 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and smoothies, and all recipes have been designed so they can be made with basic cooking equipment such as a microwave or a hob and
A new YouGov poll commissioned by the Food Foundation and the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission (FFCC) found that 1.5m (3%) have gone a whole day without eating since the lockdown came into
And the call for help has been echoed by PSC 100 Group chairman Andy Jones, who has written to members asking them to consider helping by answering the Food Foundation’s survey questions.
“Across the UK, Compass employees are playing an invaluable role in the country’s battle against coronavirus, ensuring NHS patients and staff are fed and their wards are kept clean, and supporting
In a Procurement Policy Note (PPN), he says: “The current outbreak of COVID-19 is unprecedented and will have a significant impact on businesses of all sizes.
Vicky Ford has been appointed as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families where she will be responsible for school food.
The new legislation is set to limit or ban low-skilled immigrants to post-Brexit Britain if they earn less than £25,600 per annum.
From 1 April 2020 workers over the age of 25 will earn a minimum wage of £8.72 (6.2% increase).