Government-funded holiday provision helps fight child poverty
New data from Childcare Works showed half a million children eligible for free school meals received nutritio
New data from Childcare Works showed half a million children eligible for free school meals received nutritio
Two million tonnes of fresh, unsold food is wasted every year in the UK. Funding to help farmers and food producers get this surplus food to frontline charities has now ended.
Julia and Hans Rausing said: “We are pleased to be able to support The Clink Charity as it rolls out its Clink Kitchens programme across so many more prisons.
Editor David Foad says: “Every year now since 2019 we have convened a
Among the initiatives are two meatless days a week in public sector canteens and a 60 percent organic food minimum on their menus.
Hosted by Public Sector Catering magazine, the event will kick off with a short, recorded interview with Andy Jones, chair of the umbrella PSC100 Group, to set the scene.
Located at the heart of the site and managed by Sodexo, the new Common Room facility ‘provides a relaxed environment to purchase refreshments, meals and snacks’.
Timed to coincide with the start of British Food Fortnight (Sep 19-Oct 4), the letter says: “It would give a tremendous boost to Britain’s food and farming industry if you would acknowledge, during
Set up in November 2017, the JointForces@ISS programme has supported more than 300 service personnel by assisting them with career advice and internships to develop their skills and careers.
The ‘Village’, as it is known, is part of the new Defence College of Logistics, Policing and Administration, a £300m tri-service facility at Worthy Down.