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Friday Food Facts

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol. 43

Written by Edward Waddell
16th Nov 2018 - 08:32
  • You can hear rhubarb grow! During a process known as ‘rhubarb forcing’, you can hear a cacophony of pops as it grows.

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol. 42

Written by Edward Waddell
2nd Nov 2018 - 10:10
  • Contrary to popular belief, if swallowed, chewing gum does not sit in your body for 7 years.

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol. 41

Written by Edward Waddell
26th Oct 2018 - 07:00
  • The world’s largest pumpkin pie on record used 495 litres of evaporated milk, 233 dozen eggs and 525lbs of sugar.

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol. 39

Written by Melissa Moody
12th Oct 2018 - 10:14
  • Broccoli contains more protien than steak 
  • Grapes will explode if put in the microwave. If you split a grape almost in half and put it in the microwave, it will create an explosive

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol. 38

Written by Edward Waddell
5th Oct 2018 - 09:47
  • To check if cranberries are fresh, throw them on a counter and see if they bounce back – if they do, you’re safe to eat!
  • Baked Alaska isn't from Alaska - the actual origins are a m

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol. 37

Written by Edward Waddell
28th Sep 2018 - 08:47
  • The Kellogg brothers first created cornflakes as therapy for mental patients
  • Eating poppy seed bread and bagels can make you fail a drugs test.

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol. 36

Written by Edward Waddell
21st Sep 2018 - 09:11
  • Recognising the crucial role of fish and chips during WW1 and WW2, they were two of the few foods not subject to rationing because the government feared the dish was so embedded in the natio

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol. 35

Written by David Foad
14th Sep 2018 - 07:00

As an antidote to the mayhem, we offer our weekly dose of calm in the form of Fun Friday Food Facts. For best results, simply take six, breathe deeply and let the trivia wash over you …

Fun Friday Food Facts 2018 Vol.34

Written by Edward Waddell
7th Sep 2018 - 09:12
  • Cheese is the most shoplifted food item in the world – 4% of the world’s production is stolen each year!