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The London Linen Group looks forward to the next 75 years

Written by PSC Team
9th Nov 2010 - 00:00
His first customer was a small guest house, but with only one other competitor and the attraction of renting linen rather than the capital outlay of buying, business grew so rapidly, that within 18 mo

Coffee trade must do more to avoid scalding customers

Written by PSC Team
28th Oct 2010 - 00:00
A new discussion document by the Coffee Council, a think-tank of senior managers in the coffee trade, has told the beverage world that 'one more scalded customer is one too many', and has suggested th

Top tips on driving efficiency in schools

Written by PSC Team
12th Oct 2010 - 00:00
1. Correctly weigh the ingredients: It sounds simple and straightforward, but if you want to minimise wastage, your ingredients must be measured accurately.

Knowing your fire extinguisher

Written by PSC Team
5th Oct 2010 - 00:00
Here is a basic guide so workplaces can identify their fire risks and make sure they have the correct fire extinguishers in place:- Water – Red Ideal for fires involving solid materials such as wood,