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Survey 'measures patience' of pub, restaurant customers in UK

2nd Apr 2014 - 09:58
Restaurant diners browse
Diners in Britain are revealed to be more tolerant waiting for their morning coffee than their lunchtime sandwich, according to new survey, and they will wait just under 16 minutes, on average, before leaving a restaurant after not being served.

Customers will wait on average for 6 minutes and 2 seconds to be served their coffee, but have a shorter tolerance when it comes to food with the average wait they’re prepared to put up with for a sandwich estimated at 5 minutes 34 seconds.

The results follow a survey of 5,000 UK consumers, conducted by Peach Factory on behalf of global retail technology provider Omnico Group, as part of an investigation into the effect of waiting times on hospitality businesses across the UK.

The data also showed the British like their fast food, as the title suggests, served fast. Diners on average are only willing to wait 6 minutes 18 seconds without being served at fast food chains such as McDonald’s and Subway.

Pubs offering food such as Wetherspoons or Harvester need to be quick too, with customers only happy to wait an average of 12 minutes 27 seconds without being served, before going elsewhere.

Britons are slightly more enduring when ordering drinks at a bar or pub, willing to linger up to 7 minutes 51 seconds before giving up.

The East Midlands is home to those with the most perseverance in restaurants, willing to wait on average 16 minutes 39 seconds before absconding, followed closely by Londoners (16 minutes 22 seconds).

Welsh diners are the least patient and will only endure 14 minutes and 16 seconds before leaving.

For a fast food fix, Londoners are most patient, willing to wait 7 minutes 22 seconds before leaving.

Women are far more enduring than men when waiting for any kind of food or drink, beating men in every single outlet type.

When eating out at restaurants, on average, women are happy to wait up to 16 minutes and 19 seconds, with men only wanting to hang around for 14 minutes and 49 seconds.

“Whether diners are waiting to be seated, looking for the waiter to take their order or simply in a queue, they have a limit,” commented Steve Thomas chief technology officer at Omnico Group.

“Sixteen minutes might seem a long time for hospitality outlets to leave their patrons waiting, but in reality, it’s no time at all and a lengthy wait can impact loyalty and customer experience.

“Speedy service aided by innovative technology, such as mobile Point of Sale, can help to bust these queues, reduce waiting times and ensure customers are getting the best dining experience.”

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PSC Team