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PSC Alliance

Apetito trio complete zip wire challenge, raises £4,000

Written by PSC Team
26th Jan 2016 - 09:44

Zip World Velocity, at Penrhyn Quarry, Bethesda, in Wales, involves flying head-first down the mountain for just under a mile, exceeding speeds of 100mph, and then over a cliff 500ft above a quarry

World Health Organisation backs global sugar tax

Written by PSC Team
26th Jan 2016 - 09:29

The number of overweight and obese children under five years old has hit 41 million worldwide, according to figures released by a World Health Organisation commission.

Cost of diabetes will continue to rise – PAC report finds

Written by PSC Team
25th Jan 2016 - 11:12

The PAC report found progress has been since the last examination in improving outcomes for diabetes patients, but found there remains unacceptable variations in the take up of education programmes

HCA welcomes NHS sugar tax introduction

Written by PSC Team
19th Jan 2016 - 09:57

Speaking to the Guardian newspaper yesterday, Stevens said a sugar tax would be introduced by 2020 to discourage staff, patients and visitors from eating and drinking high sugar snacks.

NHS England to introduce sugar tax in hospital cafes

Written by PSC Team
18th Jan 2016 - 08:50

Hospitals will start charging more for high-sugar drinks and snacks in their cafes and vending machines by 2020 to discourage staff, patients and visitors from buying them.