Public Sector Catering Expo doors open in two weeks
Within the public sector almost three billion meals are served each year to people in schools, hospitals, universities, prisons, care homes and the Armed Forces.
Within the public sector almost three billion meals are served each year to people in schools, hospitals, universities, prisons, care homes and the Armed Forces.
On Tuesday 19 November at 11am, Fearnley-Whittingstall will discuss issues in the public sector catering industry including plastic and food waste, and health, nutrition and obesity, as well as loc
The report has been released during a time when the Extinction Rebellion movement has occupied London in protest over climate change and the lack of government intervention.
The use of single-use plastic across all catering will be cut as part of a drive to reduce waste and help the environment, it was reported in The Telegraph.
In the 96-page report Davies calls for action across industry and the public sector to assist the Government to reach its target of halving childhood obesity by 2030.
The changes include an introduction of canned LifeWater, the roll out of compostable cutlery, as well as moving all sourdough toasties to a biodegradable paper bag.
The company, which provides food transport and logistics solutions for the education, healthcare and public sectors, is being rebranded in order to facilitate its further development and growth alo
As part of the government initative to drive improvements, the volunteer inspectors will look at how the care environment supports patients’ needs.
Natasha Ednan-Laperouse died after suffering an allergic reaction to a Pret a Manger baguette. Currently food prepared on site is not required to display allergen information on the label.
Choline is critical to brain health, particularly during fetal development and it can be found in beef, eggs, dairy products, fish and chicken with lower amounts found in nuts and broccoli.