HCA announces shortlist for annual awards
The HCA awards seek to recognise ‘outstanding commitment and dedication’ in healthcare catering and patient service.
The HCA awards seek to recognise ‘outstanding commitment and dedication’ in healthcare catering and patient service.
Staged in the Live Theatre as part of the HRC Salon Culinaire, this year’s final involved six hospitals with two chefs each, who were challenged to cook a two-course hospital meal in 60 minutes.
It kicks off with a ‘Meet The Buyer’ session on April 1 and then runs through two days of discussion and debate, with a supplier exhibition running alongside it.
The new menu has been introduced to each ward to ensure patients with visual impairments can read the food menu.
The event, held at St Richard’s Hospital, marked the opening of a central production kitchen (CPK), which serves 3,000 meals every day across all Western Sussex Hospital sites.
The reorganisation sees CH&CO’s client portfolios aligned to support the following five business sectors: Workplace, Education & Healthcare, Events, Venues and Destinations.
The watercress used in the soup is made from unsold crops which had larger leafs and thicker stems, helping to reduce food waste.
‘Natasha’s law’, which is due to come into effect in the summer of 2021, was created after Natasha Ednan-Laperouse died after suffering an allergic reaction to a baguette purchased from Pret A Mang
The project came about through the schools food and nutrition class, with the aim of creating a ‘fun and nutritious’ menu that students would want to eat themselves.
Nutrition & Hydration Week (NHW) is marking its ninth year, with planned themes for each day.