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Friday Food Facts

Fun Friday Food Facts Vol. 5

Written by PSC Team
21st Aug 2015 - 10:32
The expiry date on a bottle of water is for the bottle not the water It's illegal to upload pictures of meals to Instagram in Germany. In 2013 a Federal Court of Justice ruling found elaborately arranged food to be the artistic property of its creator. Essentially, this means that you'll need to ask the chef's permission before taking and uploading a picture of your latest meal.

Fun Friday Food Facts Vol. 4

Written by PSC Team
14th Aug 2015 - 10:37
Eating an apple is a more reliable method of staying awake than consuming a cup of coffee. The natural sugar in an apple is more potent than the caffeine in coffee. Nutmeg can get you high! It contains myristicin, a natural compound that has mind-altering effects if ingested in large doses. The buzz can last one to two days and can be hallucinogenic, much like LSD. The TomTato plant produces both tomatoes and potatoes. The quinine in tonic water causes it to glow bright blue under a black light.

Fun Friday Food Facts Vol. 3

Written by PSC Team
7th Aug 2015 - 09:25

You can cover the Great Wall of China 8 times with the amount of Nutella sold each year.

The Indian dish known as Bombay Duck is nothing to do with birds at all, it is a fish dish.

Fun Friday Food Facts Vol. 2

Written by PSC Team
31st Jul 2015 - 11:25

Coconut water can be used as blood plasma (coconut water is a universal donor and is identical to human blood plasma.  This natural isotonic beverage has the same level of electrolytic balance that

Fun Friday Food Facts

Written by PSC Team
24th Jul 2015 - 11:56

Cheese is the most stolen food in the world. 4% of all the world’s cheese supply (around 720,000 metric tonnes!!!!) is stolen each year and often resold to restaurants.