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Friday Food Facts

Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 13

Written by PSC Team
8th Apr 2016 - 10:22

We’ve all seen a Youtube clip of cats enjoying a bit of catnip, some more than others. But did you know it can actually be brewed as tea for human ingestion to soothe upset tums.

Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 12

Written by PSC Team
1st Apr 2016 - 10:34

A bottle of Champagne contains approximately 49 million bubbles. This puts a whole new meaning to the term “Glass of bubbly”

Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 10

Written by PSC Team
18th Mar 2016 - 10:18

The National Peanut Board estimates it takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter. That's approximately 45 peanuts per ounce of peanut butter.

Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 8

Written by PSC Team
4th Mar 2016 - 09:48

Due to their similar protein composition, blood can be used as an egg substitute in baking and making ice cream according to a team of scientists at the Nordic Food Lab.

Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 5

Written by PSC Team
12th Feb 2016 - 10:09

Cadbury Crème eggs are not sold all year around! They are only available annually between 1 January and Easter Day. Once they are sold out, there are no more produced for that year

Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 4

Written by PSC Team
5th Feb 2016 - 10:29

When tea is being poured in China, guests tap two or three fingers on the table three times to show gratitude to the server.

Fun Friday Food Facts 2016 Vol. 3

Written by PSC Team
29th Jan 2016 - 10:17
Pizza Hut delivered the first and only pizza to out of space. In 2001 they paid the Russian Space Agency $1m for the promotional stunt including footage of astronaut Yuri Usachiv flashing a thumbs up after eating the pizza. The pizza was delivered to the International Space Station via rocket and Pizza Hut had their logo on the side of the rocket.