NSMW 'Taste For Yourself' tour gathers pace
The tour, taking place during NSMW - 11 -15 November 2019, will visit all ten LACA regions at designated stops, inviting parents, journalists, local dignitaries and the public at large to enjoy som
The tour, taking place during NSMW - 11 -15 November 2019, will visit all ten LACA regions at designated stops, inviting parents, journalists, local dignitaries and the public at large to enjoy som
The Toque d’Or competition has been running for over 30 years and it provides students and apprentices ‘unique and exciting real-world experiences.’
Mark Carney, Bank of England Governor, believes a no-deal Brexit could result in interruptions to the supply of fresh fruit and vegetables with food prices set to rise by anything up to 10%.
Dimbleby will investigate the entire food system to explore what changes are necessary.
Food that is passed its sell by date is repackaged and redistributed by The Felix Project to local communities for children who experience holiday hunger.
The report demonstrates both the continuation and evolution of trends in food and beverages since 2018 and focuses on 12 overarching themes including ‘Health for all’, ‘Conscientious consuming’, ‘C
Recent research published in the journal Science found hat beef produces 105kg of greenhouse gases per 100g of meat. By comparison, tofu results in less than 3.5kg.
One hundred school caterers were surveyed at this year’s LACA the main event & via a e-newsletter to the LACA database. Some 82% of those questioned said they believed seafood is ‘fresher’ if b
Holding two Michelin Stars since it opened its doors in 1984, it will host Jill Hall from Trinity Primary School in Henley-on-Thames and Debbie Rice from North Kidlington School in Kidlington.
The scheme is designed to help licensees attract and retain the ‘best talent’ in the hospitality sector.