Gateshead School Catering wins contract with Durham college
The Gateshead Council-run service beat off competition from local and national caterers to secure the deal which will see it serve approximately 1,000 pupils and teachers at the college.
The Gateshead Council-run service beat off competition from local and national caterers to secure the deal which will see it serve approximately 1,000 pupils and teachers at the college.
Educo provides services to head teachers, governors and bursars to improve school meals provision in both the state and independent sectors.
The team picked up the Bronze Food for Life Served Here award, which recognises caterers who serve local, fresh and honest food, which is free from controversial additives and better for animal wel
Set up by Warwickshire Country Council, which has been providing school meals in the region for over 25 years, Educaterers has taken up the role as part of a new council project.
The partnership will kick off with the charity’s #HelloYellow campaign for World Mental Health Day on 10 October for which Chartwells is calling on its school, academy, college and university teams
Despite this, there is clear demand for healthier alternatives – 40% of participants saying they would be “happy to pay more for healthy option foods as long as the products taste good.” Shining li
According to the research, university students are now more likely to buy ingredients such as olive oil, herbs and fresh fruit and veg than previous generations, cooking up a variety of dishes such
Staff were treated to barbecue food, puddings and sweet stalls at the party where they were given the opportunity to ‘soak the boss’ by wetting their operations director Julian Rutherford.
The MSC-run ‘Murdock’s Fish Club’ saw school children from across the UK treated to a variety of activities run by local ‘chippies’ aimed at encouraging them to recognise fish with the blue MSC lab
PAN has warned of the danger to young children of the 123 different pesticides it found, some of which it said are linked to serious health problems such as cancer and disruption of the hormone sys