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Young coffee drinkers are not satisfied with a cup of instant, says YouGov

9th Aug 2010 - 00:00
Young coffee drinkers are more likely to choose alternatives such as a cappuccino (43%), a latte (39%) and an americano (22%) rather than drink a cup of instant coffee, according to new research from YouGov SixthSense.
Research director for YouGov SixthSense, James McCoy, said there is definitely a generational divide in the coffee market: "What we are seeing here are two very different coffee drinking cultures informed by two different consumer experiences. The younger generation has grown up with Starbucks, Costa, Café Nero etc. offering a more varied and comprehensive coffee menu. "Also, young people are used to meeting with their friends at places like coffee shops where conversation can be carried out over a freshly brewed coffee, Friends-style. The previous generation hosted more and, therefore, was more inclined to resort to whatever was in the kitchen cupboard if and when a guest requested coffee." The report also found that 12% of Londoners say that they regularly drink 'freshly brewed coffee' for breakfast during the week, compared to Wales (6%), the Midlands (5%) and Northern Ireland (1%). Meanwhile a smaller proportion of Londoners (69%) has drunk a cup of instant coffee in the past month than anywhere else in the UK, while the North (84%) is the region with the most drinkers of instant brands such as Nescafe, Kenco etc.
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PSC Team