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Training programme for Welsh chefs to be extended

2nd Jun 2010 - 00:00
A training programme that benchmarks the skills of chefs in Wales is to be extended following the success of a pilot project.
The Applied Ability Awards (AAA) programme was piloted in 2008 with the aim of guiding up to 180 chefs to achieve Foundation or Chef level awards within two years. There are now 255 chefs registered on the programme along with 70 mentors and around 100 companies. Due this success, AAA are being integrated into the work based learning curriculum for professional cookery throughout the UK at Foundation Modern Apprenticeship and Modern Apprenticeship level from March, 2011. In addition, a new third level award for senior chefs is being introduced with funding support from the Welsh Assembly Government and People 1st Sector Skills Council. The Welsh Assembly Government's deputy minister for science, innovation and skills, Lesley Griffiths said: "This has developed from a pilot training project into an industry wide benchmark providing people working in the hospitality industry with a professionally recognised qualification. "It illustrates the importance of the role of industry in driving forward and supporting innovative demand led training initiatives. I hope that the individual achievements of chefs will inspire them to go to the next level of Applied Ability Awards." As a result of the awards, one of these companies, S. A. Brain and Co, has established an Academy for all its chefs in partnership with work based learning providers Cambrian Training Company, based in Welshpool and ACT in Cardiff.
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PSC Team