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Top chefs sign up to 'Simply Ask' initiative

6th Aug 2009 - 00:00
Top chefs including Raymond Blanc, Peter Gordon, Paul Merrett and Antony Worrall-Thompson have signed up to the 'Simply Ask' campaign by the RSPCA's Freedom Food scheme.
This follows new research revealing that 34% of consumers said they are now more likely to let farm animal welfare concerns influence what restaurant they eat in compared to five years ago. The 'Simply Ask' scheme will focus specifically on eggs in the first year. This is because about 85% of eggs used in food products and food service are still from hens kept in battery cages, compared to about 58% of whole eggs produced for retail. It aims to get as many food service businesses as possible to commit to only using non-cage eggs (free-range or barn). It will also urge consumers to 'Simply Ask' what kind of eggs are being used in their food when eating out. Paul Merrett said: "I am delighted to be part of RSPCA Freedom Food's ' Simply Ask' campaign. I have always believed in the importance of sourcing higher welfare ingredients for my restaurant and would never use eggs from caged hens. I hope this campaign will persuade many other restaurants to follow suit."
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PSC Team