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Tetley packs containing 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified Tea now available in foodservice

17th Mar 2011 - 00:00
The first Tetley pack containing 100% tea from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms is now available in foodservice.
Tetley for Caterers Non-Drip Drawstring packs are the first ones to contain 100% certified tea since the company announced its collaboration with the Rainforest Alliance back in February last year. In addition to the current 12x100 self-merchandising pack, Tetley will also be launching Drawstring in 6x25 individually sealed foil envelopes for the first time in April. Both formats will feature the Rainforest Alliance Certified seal. Tetley has committed to purchasing all of the tea for its branded teabag and loose tea products from Rainforest Alliance Certified farms by 2016 and is currently on schedule to hit that target. In addition, Tetley has teamed up with Facebook to put consumers in touch directly with the growers. The scheme, known as Farmers First Hand, is enabling farmers on tea estates to use phones and cameras provided by Tetley to stay in touch with tea drinkers via Facebook. Peter Haigh, brand development manager at Tetley, said: "In the same way that it is important to highlight the brand of tea you serve, it is now equally important to highlight the ethical credentials of the products themselves. Not only will seeing this give reassurance to the customer, it will also help to position your outlet as one that cares about where and how your products are sourced."
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PSC Team