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Sodexo upgrades software for calorie labelling

5th Sep 2011 - 00:00
Sodexo, a leading provider of on-site service solutions, has made an investment in upgrading its nutritional analysis software, to help chefs provide nutritional information on the food it serves and to make it easier for customers to make informed decisions about the food they eat.
Since the announcement of the Public Health Responsibility Deal and its support towards some of its pledges, Sodexo has invested time and resources in upgrading its computer software which will enable us to provide calorie information and also GDA information, where required, at the majority of locations that we serve food. Sodexo currently provides calorie information at around 20 sites, including the initial sites that were part of FSA's early adopter trial in 2009, and training in the new software is now underway to enable us to roll out calorie labelling to around 300 sites by April 2012. Wan Mak, head of nutrition and dietetics, said: "Our investment in this software is part of our commitment to providing more information to our customers so that they can make informed decisions about the food they eat. We aim to promote a healthy lifestyle and to encourage our customers to make healthy choices and calorie labelling will make this easier for them."
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PSC Team