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Sodexo achieves gold in corporate responsibility index

16th Mar 2012 - 00:00
Sodexo, a leading provider of on-site service solutions, has achieved a ‘Gold’ band ranking in Business in the Community’s (BITC) 2012 Corporate Responsibility Index for a second consecutive year.
The Index, in its 10th year, includes organisations that achieved the 100 highest scores in BITC's CR Index following an assessment of management practices and performance in four key areas of corporate responsibility: environment, community, marketplace and workplace. Sodexo has been listed on the index for seven years. Before achieving Gold band ranking last year, it held Silver for four years consecutively. Thomas Jelley, corporate citizenship manager at Sodexo, said: "We are thrilled to have achieved Gold band ranking for a second consecutive year. It is a great endorsement of Sodexo's Better Tomorrow Plan and the efforts of colleagues across the UK and Ireland who have helped to bring it to life through continuous improvement in management and performance. " Stephen Howard, chief executive, Business in the Community, added: "I congratulate Sodexo on achieving Gold band ranking in the 2012 BITC Corporate Responsibility Index. The CR Index has helped to highlight clearly those best practice examples that bring to life in a powerful way what integrated responsible practice really looks like. "As we celebrate 10 years of our CR Index it has given me great pleasure to witness each company's responsible business journey and the transformations they are making both within their businesses and the impact they have in our communities." The full results of the BITC 2012 CR Index are published in the Financial Times Responsible Business supplement on 15 March.
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PSC Team