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Seafish celebrates International Omega-3 Day

3rd Mar 2010 - 00:00
Seafish, the authority on seafood, is celebrating International Omega-3 Day today.
For some time, seafood has been recognised as the best dietary source of Omega-3 oils and the reduction in the risk of heart attack death is the most widely accepted benefit from eating more seafood. At a conference on Seafood & Health in January 2009, experts from all over the world presented new research confirming that the complex of vitamins, minerals and long-chain fatty acids present in seafood can improve eyesight, skin, and concentration levels as well as improving cardiovascular health. The health benefits of Omega-3 are that the European Food Safety Authority has just increased the adult recommended intake from 200mg a day to 250mg a day – more than the current UK recommendation of 200mg/day. A recent survey undertaken by Seafish revealed that more than eight out of ten Britons – 83% – described seafood as healthy but only about one third manage to eat the recommended two portions of fish a week.
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