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People 1st unveils £9m hospitality training strategy

1st Mar 2012 - 00:00
Armed with £9 million of new Government funding, People 1st has launched a six-point strategy to boost training and skills in the hospitality and tourism industry.
The most eye-catching proposal of the project streams is the plan to develop a Hospitality Guild. Based at Hospitality House in London, which has been offered rent-free by McDonald's, it will be headed up by chairman Simon Vincent, who is Hilton Worldwide's area president for Europe. Announcing the plan at the Royal College of Surgeons of England last night, People 1st chief executive Brian Wisdom said of the Guild: "It will act as a central hub for all Guild partners and employer partners to identify and champion innovative models of good practice. "Individuals, industry bodies and approved learning providers will also be part of the Guild." He said People 1st now had two years to demonstrate to Government that it could make the strategy work. "But we can't do it alone. We need everyone in the industry to get involved and then together we can make a difference." David Fairhurst, People 1st chairman, pointed out that hospitality and tourism provided 10% of all UK jobs and current projections showed they would be taking on 130,000 new people every year until 2017. Minister for Tourism John Penrose added: "I can't over-emphasise how important it is that we raise skill levels in the industry if we are to turn these opportunities into growth. "People used to look down their noses a bit at the hospitality sector, but we are now attracting envious glances from other sectors who are looking to copy some of our ideas." The full six-point plan is: • Helping unemployed people into work • Accelerating social mobility • Professionalising the workforce • Improving customer service • Increasing business investment in skills • Establishing the Hospitality Guild
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PSC Team