Carried out by job site CV-Library, the study was undertaken on 1,100 hospitality workers and 200+ recruitment professionals across the UK, and found that:
- 31% of recruiters ‘stalk’ potential candidates on social media
- Despite this, 21% of hospitality staff don’t set their profiles private
- 57% of candidates “expect to be ‘Googled’ by potential employers/ recruiters,” with 88% claiming to be “more careful” about what they post online
- A further 76% are “more careful” about what they share when actively job hunting
- 76% of employees believe recruiters would judge them based on what they post on social media – with 69% of recruiters admitting this is true
- 61% of recruiters and 57% of hospitality professionals said ‘selfies’ are unacceptable for professional profiles
CV-Library founder and managing director, Lee Biggins, said: “Many employers and recruiters will use social media during their hiring process and it’s clear that they are influenced by what they see online.
“If you use social media, it’s vital that you are aware of what you’re sharing and that you understand the implications of posting inappropriate or potentially damaging content. When in doubt, switch your profile to full-private mode to cover your back.
“The ‘selfie’ craze has taken off in recent years, but it’s clear that recruiters don’t appreciate these being used for professional purposes. While you might not think your pictures are incriminating in any way, there are certain negative connotations that come with ‘selfies’ that could cost you a job. Instead, be sure to use a photo that is as professional as possible.”
He added his top four tips for “being careful” online below:
- ‘Google’ yourself: Get ahead of recruiters and search your own name online. Look at what you find and decide if there’s anything you don’t want potential employers to see
- Set your profiles to private: The easiest way to ensure that recruiters aren’t sifting through your photos or updates is by setting your profiles to private. This way they can only see your content if they ask to connect with you
- Remove anything inappropriate: Take some time to go through your profiles and remove anything that might be deemed as inappropriate. It might take a little while, but it can be very beneficial to your job search
- Don’t use ‘selfies’: If you’re using job boards, professional networking sites or have even created an online portfolio – keep your profile photo professional. Don’t use selfies.