To help caterers, Tork has launched two new training packs which have been developed to help caterers train their staff on important aspects of food hygiene.
The packs which are downloadable free from the Tork website cover hand hygiene and food contact surface cleaning.
Each provides a clear, comprehensive and easy to use training session plan for caterers including all the necessary information, a step-by-step guide on how to present and explain this, and a quick quiz at the end to reinforce the learning. There is also a certificate which can be completed and presented to staff on successful completion of the course.
To help the trainers Tork have also produced two short videos highlighting the key points in each of the training modules. These are also available as a free download in a YouTube format.
Wil Oliver of catering contractors Wilson Vale is a Tork customer who can see the benefits of having such training packs to hand. “Keeping new staff members up to speed with the latest hygiene standards is an essential task, and the new packs are going to be invaluable in helping us with our training obligations. The information is clearly and accurately presented, and the video clips illustrate the points brilliantly. All this is free for us to access, so I can see this as being a real boon for caterers.”
Tork product & segment manager Julie Ray, added: “With many commercial kitchens having a relatively high staff turnover, we hope that our new training packs will help ease the burden on caterers in the important field of training staff on hygiene matters. They will save the operator a good deal of time in planning and preparation, and provide the clearest information in an easily accessible fashion.”
The training packs can be downloaded free of charge from www.tork.co.uk/foodservicehygiene