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New charity campaign aims to unite catering industry over child poverty

31st Oct 2014 - 07:29
One Feeds Two Richard Branson Virgin JP Cambell child poverty charity movement
A charity that aims to provide a child in poverty with a school meal is appealing to the catering industry, including restaurants, caterers and educational institutions, for help.

The One Feeds Two campaign, which is championed by Richard Branson, is looking to reshape the food and charity industries, challenging businesses and suppliers everywhere to adopt a ‘buy one give one’ model when selling food and in turn, help children at threat from hunger.

Sir Richard Branson is praising the campaign for inviting the food industry to unite around a common purpose that will help to make a difference to children’s lives.

Branson said: “The simple idea that every time you sell a food product or meal you can give a school meal to a child living in poverty is a great example of using business for good. What better way to tackle one of the world’s biggest problems than by uniting an industry around a common purpose that will help to make a difference to children’s lives.”

Research suggests that 61 million children globally missing out on school due to poverty and hunger and 66 million children attending school hungry in the developing world, One Feeds Two is helping provide school meals to the world’s poorest children to address this social problem.

JP Campbell, co-founder of One Feeds Two, said: “I want to create a lasting positive change in the industry. We have set up the One Feeds Two Foundation to make it really simple and east for every food company, big or small, to adopt One Feeds Two. It’s all about providing school meals to the world’s poorest children to allow them to access education.”

The Leeds branch of the street food chain, Rola Wala, was the first to introduce One Feeds Two products at the beginning of October, followed by national food brand COOK, who are launching the scheme with their Christmas range on October 15th.

The One Feeds Two campaign was co-founded by food entrepreneur and Virgin Unite mentor Mark Christophers, former CEO of the Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship Owen Burton and JP Campbell, who has brought the campaign to life.

Campbell’s company, The Elephant Juice Food Co was recognised by Virgin Unite’s Screw Business as Usual competition for its ethically minded One Feeds Two model. The company provided 37,500 school meals to children living in the World’s poorest countries in its first 16 months of trade.

The trio, with their knowledge of expertise of the food industry, realised it was time to invite all other food companies to adopt the One Feeds Two concept and went about setting up the Foundation to make it simple and easy for all food companies to sign up to.

Rola Wala, has already provided 36,000 meals, and with their first permanent site opening on October 13th in Leeds, the campaign hopes that number will significantly increase. It’s also hoping that national retailer, COOK, will provide over 200,000 school meals

The charity are now asking many more caterers, food brands and consumers to support the One Feeds Two movement and make an instant impact on child poverty and hunger.

To find out more and get involved with the movement, visit

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PSC Team