3rd Sep 2009 - 00:00

More food businesses have joined those that have already stopped using the six food colours associated with possible hyperactivity in children.
From this month, Sainsbury's will be selling all of its own-brand products free from the colours (listed below) that are thought to cause hyperactivity in children.
Debenhams has joined two other restaurants on the list in ensuring that all food served up in its restaurants will now be free of the colours.
The manufacturers added to the list are: Mr Lucky Bags Ltd, Paramount 21 Ltd and Tricky Treats. This means that familiar products such as Fox's biscuits will now be free of the colours that were identified by a Southampton University study financed by the Food Standards Agency. The colours are:
Sunset yellow FCF (E110) Quinoline yellow (E104) Carmoisine (E122) Allura red (E129) Tartrazine (E102) Ponceau 4R (E124)
The Agency hopes that more food businesses will be encouraged to voluntarily ban these colours from their products in the future.
Any food manufacturer, retailer or caterer wishing to notify the Agency that their brands or products are free of these colours, should email details to Clair Baynton, at clair.baynton@foodstandards.gsi.gov.uk.