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Millennials ‘key’ to breakfast and brunch sales

28th Sep 2017 - 07:00
Young adults and the rise of social occasions are key drivers in boosting breakfast and brunch sales for casual dining operators, according to new research.

‘The Future of Breakfast: An Insight Report’ found young adults, or ‘millennials’, as the age group most likely to eat breakfast and brunch out-of-home with 48% of 18-24-year-olds eating breakfast in cafes, restaurants or pubs once or twice a month.

The percentage of 25-34-year-olds doing the same was reported at 41%.

Millennials are also eating breakfast/brunch later in the day, particularly at weekends, with 32% eating brunch after 11am on Saturdays and 39% eating out after 11am on Sundays.

Young adults are also driving the rise of “Breakfastarians”, who are looking for breakfast or breakfast influenced dishes throughout the day, according to Nigel Phillips, country sales manager of Lamb Weston, the report's creator.

Phillips said: “The UK breakfast and brunch market is experiencing a big boom, with 58% of people now seeing it as the most important meal of the day and as a crucial element of a venue’s offer.

“The times and occasions for breakfast and brunch are also evolving with breakfast no longer viewed as a functional meal to start the day but as a sociable, indulgent occasion.”

The report found that 12% of Britons ate breakfast in a pub every month, with 67% of people feeling that it is important that pubs have breakfast options on the menu.

Phillips added: “Breakfast is a large and innovative market, presenting a great opportunity for casual dining venues and pubs to diversify their offer and grow. Operators needs to shape up their offers to capitalise on this significant opportunity.”

Also outlined was breakfast/brunch’s position as a sociable, indulgent event, found to be driven by women, with 58% of females saying they like to indulge when eating out for breakfast and the same number also viewing breakfast as a social occasion.

When it comes to breakfast/brunch, indulgence was found to be a key factor for 55% of people, rising to 66% for 18-24-year-olds.


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