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LEAF Marque scheme flags up catering opportunities of 2012 Olympics

3rd Sep 2010 - 00:00
The LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming) Marque assurance scheme, is encouraging companies to tender for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games which is expected to be attended by more than 9 million people.
Described as one of the official aspirational standards for product sourcing for the event, the LEAF Marque "has sustainability at the heart of its Food Vision for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games" and is calling on catering companies to deliver a "tastier, healthier, greener" event. The LEAF Marque is an assurance scheme developed by LEAF based upon environmentally responsible farming principles, which support farmers to produce good food with care and to a high environmental standard. Companies tendering for catering contracts will need to demonstrate how specific benchmark standards and aspirational targets will be achieved and that they are building sustainability into their businesses. The LEAF Marque will give caterers the opportunity to meet many of the core objectives of the London 2012 Food Vision and is being dubbed "the largest peace-time catering operation in the world" with around 9,210,000 people taking part in, attending or working at the games and consuming an anticipated 14 million meals.
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PSC Team