The partnership will deliver the Healthy Hammers programme to 2400 children at over half of Havering Council’s primary and junior schools throughout the academic year.
The app was designed to appeal to children from 4-11 years old, and allows them to earn rewards by dodging unhealthy foods and collecting fruit and vegetables. Users can also view weekly school lunch menus and parents can purchase school meals via app links.
Dennis Brewin, Head of Catering at HES catering services, said: “The partnership between Veggie Run and the West Ham United Foundation is a first of its kind for a council in England. Through Veggie Run we aim to educate children about healthy living through digital game play, and directly reward them and schools with sporty prizes.
“Veggie run links with our school catted meals offer, as we are passionate about providing children with a healthy meal in Havering. As the study conducted by the school food plan identified only one per cent of packed lunches meet the government’s criteria on nutritional lunches.”
To officially launch the partnership, The West Ham United Football Club will host 10 primary or junior school pupils at their stadium on November 7.
For children to win a place at the stadium, they only need to eat a school catered lunch between September 21 and October 19 to be included in a prize draw.
Winners will also receive a free West Ham home football kit printed with a Veggie Run character, shin pads, a full stadium tour, and fixture dependant the opportunity to meet a first team player.
Ross Williams, Senior Schools Development Officer at West Ham UTD Foundation, said: “This partnership will enable the West Ham United Foundation coaches to deliver health and nutrition based activities to over half of the London Borough of Havering’s Primary and Junior Schools by the end of the 2018/19 academic year.
“Delivering a programme to such a wide audience who are supported at home via the Veggie Run app, helps children to engage with healthy living.”
Other competitions it will offer during the academic year include prizes from West Ham United Football Club, Stubbers Outdoor Adventurer Centre, Everyone Active, Change4Life and sQuid. The top 10 pupils on the Veggie Run leader board by October 19 will each win a £25 WHU Foundation extra curriculum programme voucher.