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Friday Food Facts

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 16

Written by Edward Waddell
29th Apr 2022 - 06:00
  • Potatoes are the most wasted food in the UK, with 1.6 billion thrown away every year.
  • Annual per capita waste by consumers is between 95-115kgs a year for Europeans and North Ameri

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 15

Written by Edward Waddell
22nd Apr 2022 - 06:00
  • The dessert Eton Mess was first served at Eton College in the late 19th century at school cricket matches.
  • According to research the celebrity that people in England would most lik

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 14

Written by Edward Waddell
8th Apr 2022 - 07:00

P: It is estimated that over 9,000 peas are eaten per person over the course of a year in Britain.

Fun Friday Food Facts Vol. 13

Written by Edward Waddell
1st Apr 2022 - 07:00
  • Encebollado is considered by most people to be the national dish of Ecuador.

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 12

Written by Edward Waddell
25th Mar 2022 - 06:00
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was temporarily banned in India because of the infamous ‘Dinner of Doom’ scene.

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 11

Written by Edward Waddell
18th Mar 2022 - 08:44
  • More than a third of the average slice of bread is ‘moisture’; if you dried it thoroughly it would weigh 38% less afterwards.
  • The water footprint of refined sugar is 1,780 litres o

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 10

Written by Edward Waddell
11th Mar 2022 - 07:00
  • If global food waste was a country it would be the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China.
  • The UK throws away around 9.5m tonnes of food waste in a single

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 9

Written by Edward Waddell
4th Mar 2022 - 08:24
  • The average American eats 250 eggs per year, which translates to a total annual consumption of 76.5 billion eggs in the U.S.
  • Acorns are poisonous, but when treated to remove the ta

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 8

Written by Edward Waddell
25th Feb 2022 - 08:14
  • Sweden, Finland, Estonia and India are among the few countries which provide free school meals to all pupils in compulsory education, regardless of their ability to pay.
  • The UN est

Fun Friday Food Facts, Vol. 7

Written by David Foad
18th Feb 2022 - 06:00

•    Red Bull, which was founded in 1987 in Austria, is the biggest energy drink brand in the world, selling more than 9.8bn cans in 2021