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Compass chief Cousins says outsourcing could save billions

13th Apr 2011 - 00:00
Head of Compass's worldwide operations, Richard Cousins, believes that at a time of public sector spending cuts, outsourcing could help save the UK Government billions of pounds.
Last night he told an audience of senior hospitality industry figures: "I've been very disappointed by the attitude of the British Government over the last five years. "Across the G7 economies $10 billion (£6.14 billion) could be saved by outsourcing in the healthcare sector alone. Add in educationm and even if you only look at the UK market there are significant savings to be made. "As an industry we should shout louder. We produce better food than many in-house providers, so let us do the food and leave schools and hospitals doing what they do best." Cousins was giving the Savoy Lecture to more than 260 members and guests of Arena, the industry networking organisation. Welcoming Cousins to the event, Arena chairman Mat Baker said that he was a fitting speaker to re-launch the organisation's annual lecture now that it was back in its rightful home in the Savoy. The last Arena Svaoy lecture was delivered by food pioneer Prue Leith back in 2007, after which the hotel was closed for nearly three years while it underwent a major £250m refurbishment. It re-opened earlier this year.
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