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Climate change may alter UK’s best-loved meals

23rd Mar 2018 - 07:00
fish and chips, meals, climate change
Some of the UK’s favourite dishes could be permanently changed in 30 years as a direct result of climate change, according to a report commissioned by WWF for Earth Hour.

The research shows that Welsh lamb stew, fish and chips, chicken tikka masala and cheese ploughman’s may be affected. 

For Welsh lamb stew, frequent flooding and other weather fluctuations could jeopardise the animals' welfare and the efficiency of feed sourcing for dairy farmers. Infestation-damaged potato crops are also a potential risk.

Fish and chips may be affected by warmer oceans, leading to anchovies displacing cod. The cost of lemons and potatoes could also be driven up through drought.

For chicken tikka masala, chickens may be fed on alternative feeds in the future. Rice prices are set to rise by a third and there may be onion shortages due to unseasoned rains. Extreme rainfall and heatwaves could push up the price of tomatoes.

Heat stress on dairy herds may impact cheese and milk production, potentially reducing the quality of cheese ploughman’s. Water shortages and soil loss could lead to inferior meat and apples may also become sweeter and softer due to increased temperatures.

Gareth Redmond-King, head of energy and climate at WWF, said: “The threat to these classic dishes just shows that climate change could impact every aspect of our lives in future if we don’t act now. That’s why this Earth Hour we want people to eat more sustainably.

“If each of us takes a small action, together we can combat climate change and future-proof our best-loved dishes.”

Earth Hour takes place once a year, encouraging people around the world to protect the environment by turning out their lights for 60 minutes at 8.30pm in their time zone.

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Anonymous (not verified)