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CJ Group introduces new hospitality courses

7th Jul 2011 - 00:00
The CJ Group, which specialises in offering courses in a range of subjects delivered by experienced professionals, is offering a range of courses aimed at the catering and hospitality industry.
The courses are designed, and delivered, by qualified tutors with first hand experience of the hotels and catering industry who understand what is needed to succeed on all levels. They focus on ensuring managers having the skill sets to grow not only their core business, but also staff teams, so they can create a stronger workforce and be more profitable Doral Hayes, operations director for the CJ Group, said: "We have seen increasing concern around skill gaps, especially 'soft' skills and financial understanding, amongst management levels within the catering and hospitality industry. "As an experienced training provider with an understanding of the sector, we've developed a range of courses that ensure those at the top are really nurturing and developing their teams and businesses to allow for maximum success moving forwards." She added: "Theses courses are less traditional than those seen in the past and more in tune with the changing sector landscape, growing competition and the economic situation we're working in. "The range covers finance, social media, equality training and performance management, as well as presentations skills for success and how to motivate a team and can be taken as individual modules or as a whole series. These are competitive times and our courses are aimed at ensuring all the skills you need are within easy reach, as is your success."
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PSC Team