21st Dec 2023 - 07:00

Fun Food Facts have returned for a special Christmas edition.
- The largest Brussell sprout weighed 8.3Kg.
- A family in Michigan has kept a Christmas cake for over 140 years.
- Dolly Parton has her own Christmas sugar cookie kit that people can purchase.
- Mrs Cratchit serves up figgy pudding in Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol.
- In 1213, King John of England ordered 3,000 capons, 1,000 salted eels, 400 hogs as well as 24 casks of wine.
- Wren Kitchens research found that on average people in Britain eat just under 6,000 calories over the course of Christmas Day.
- In the Christmas classic Elf, Buddy the elf covers his spaghetti with syrup.
- According research, UK families consumed ten million turkeys in 2000 for Christmas.