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The Ark for Business to offer free consultations at Hotelympia event

30th Jan 2012 - 00:00
The Ark for Business, which aims to reduce drug and alcohol abuse within the hospitality sector, will be offering confidential and free consultations at the Hotelympia event (26 February – 1 March).
The Ark for Business is a branch of industry charity Hospitality Action. It aims to uncover and assist with drug and alcohol excess which are often disguised by individuals or unrecognised by managers. As well as the human costs, the effects on a business can be profound as it impacts on customer experience, profitability, morale, safety and company reputation. Since 2007, the organisation has helped over 50 leading hospitality employers implement best practice in managing the risk of alcohol and drug misuse. Ken Crosland of The Ark for Business said: "In hospitality problems originate in many ways – employees partying hard after work; a stressed manager increasingly reliant on the bottle at the end of another hard day; the lonely individual, far from home and family. The Ark for Business aims to help employers become aware of these issues and offers guidelines on how to handle them."
Written by
PSC Team