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Wild Alaska Salmon with Lemongrass Baked Basmati Rice

14th Mar 2012 - 23:32

Serves 6 1 x 418 g or 2 x 213 g cans red or pink wild Alaska salmon 50 g (2 oz) butter 4 shallots or 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 400 g (14 oz) basmati rice 1 stalk lemongrass, bruised Pared zest of 1 lemon 2 Kaffir lime leaves (fresh or dried) 8 cardamom pods, split 3 cloves 900 ml (1½ pints) vegetable stock A few sprigs of fresh coriander

Preparation method

• Drain the salmon, reserving the liquid. Remove skin and bones, if desired and break into large chunks. Set aside • Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F / Gas Mark 4 • Melt the butter in a large flameproof casserole dish that has a tight-fitting lid. Add the shallots or onion and garlic and sauté over a low heat for about 5 minutes until soft, but not brown • Remove from the heat and add the rice, lemongrass, lemon zest, lime leaves, cardamom pods, cloves, reserved salmon liquid and vegetable stock • Stir well, then cover with the lid. Transfer to the middle shelf of the oven and bake for 25 minutes • Remove the casserole dish from the oven and allow it to stand for 5 minutes, without removing the lid. Add the salmon chunks, stirring them in gently. Serve, garnished with sprigs of coriander Recipe from the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.

Recipe courtesy of
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PSC Team