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Wild Alaska Pacific Cod Parcels with Toasted Seeds and Vine Tomatoes

15th Mar 2012 - 04:45

Serves 4 4 x 125-150g (5-6oz) frozen fillets wild Alaska Pacific cod 2 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp green pesto sauce Juice of 1 lemon 75g (3oz) seed and nut mix (flaked almonds, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, etc) 25g (1oz) butter 4 small bunches of cherry tomatoes on the vine Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preparation method

• Preheat the oven to 190°C, fan oven 170°C, gas mark 5 • Cut out 4 squares of baking parchment or foil, big enough to completely wrap each cod fillet loosely. Drizzle some olive oil onto the centre of each piece of paper or foil and place a piece of cod on top. Spread pesto sauce over the surface of the fish fillets and sprinkle with lemon juice • Toast the seed and nut mixture in a dry frying pan for 2 or 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Share between the parcels, packing the mixture on top of the fish. Place a knob of butter on top of each one, then add a bunch of cherry tomatoes. Wrap the paper or foil around each fillet loosely, folding to secure. Lift the parcels into a roasting tin • Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the fish is cooked – the flesh will be opaque and should flake easily. Serve at once Cook’s tip: Use red pesto sauce or sun-dried tomato paste as an alternative to green pesto sauce. Recipe from the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.

Recipe courtesy of
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PSC Team