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Seared Sea Bass On Piperade Marinated Potatoes, Chervil Froth

14th Mar 2012 - 12:23

These recipes are from the 11th annual Skills for Chefs conference which took place on 23-24 June at The Octagon Centre, The University of Sheffield. 4 portions ·4X 100g sea bass fillets skin on ·400grms of new potatoes boiled, peeled sliced ·1 clove of garlic crushed ·2 shallots finely chopped ·150mls white wine vinegar ·400mls olive oil Piperade ·2 large red peppers ·2 large white onions ·1 glove of garlic ·1 tbs of tomato puree ·1 sprig of time Herb cocktail Mix of: ·wild rocket ·curly endives ·flat leave parsley ·mizuna ·shizo ·dandelion ·Lemon dressing Chervil froth ·2 cloves of garlic peeled ·200 ml of good chicken stock ·100 g flat leave parsley blanched ·50 g chervil ·100 ml double cream ·salt pepper

Preparation method

Place the potatoes into a deep container, add the garlic, shallots, vinegar and olive oil into a pan warm gently and then pour over the potatoes allow to marinade for 24 hours Piperade Slice the peppers and onions finely, sweat the onions in a little olive oil till soft, then add the peppers and cook for a further ten minutes until the vegetables are completely soft. Add the garlic and thyme along with the tomato puree and cook the mixture out, finish with a little olive oil to loosing the mixture. Chervil froth Reduce the garlic in the chicken stock by half, add the cream and reduce by half again, add the parsley and simmer for 5 minutes add the chervil and then liquidize in bar liquidizer till very smooth pass. To assemble the dish: warm the potatoes gently and then arrange in a ring in the center of the plate place on top the hot piperade top with a seared piece of sea bass. Heat and froth the chervil sauce and pour around it Toss the herb cocktail in the lemon dressing and arrange on top

Recipe courtesy of
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PSC Team