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Saffron Buns

14th Mar 2012 - 16:28

10 tbsp hand hot milk 5 tbsp hand hot water 6 strands of saffron or 1 tsp of ground saffron 450g strong white flour 50g butter 50g Fruisana Fruit Sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tsp mixed spice 100g glace cherries, chopped 100g chopped mixed peel 1 tbsp fast action dried yeast 1 large egg, beaten Glaze 2 tbsp Fruisana Fruit Sugar 2 tbsp water

Preparation method

1. In a jug mix together the milk, water and saffron. Then in a large bowl sieve the flour and rub in the butter. Stir in the Fruisana, salt, mixed spice, cherries and peel. 2. Make a well in the centre and sprinkle in the yeast. Stir in the saffron mixture and beaten egg, using a flat bladed knife. Mix to a soft dough. 3. Turn the dough onto a well floured work surface and knead for about 10 minutes, until it is smooth and no longer sticky. 4. Divide dough into 10 and shape into buns. Place on a greased baking tray, cover with a clean teatowel and place in a warm place to rise. Leave until doubled in size, approx. 45 - 60 minutes. 5. Bake in a preheated fan oven 200°C, electric oven 220°C or gas mark 7 for 15 - 20 minutes until puffy and golden and when you tap the base of bun it should sound hollow. To make glaze: Place the Fruisana and water in a small saucepan, heat until a thick syrup forms but is not coloured. When the buns are cooked brush them with glaze to give a glossy finish. Recipe from

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PSC Team