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Rudolf Fruit Jelly Noses

14th Mar 2012 - 19:57

Makes: About 8 – 10 small Rudolfs You will need: 1 red raspberry jelly (135g) About 150ml (1/4pt) raspberry and cranberry juice Black seedless grapes – for eyes Dried mango slices – for antlers (or use other dried fruit slices) Anchor Chocolate Flavour Mousse Real Dairy Cream Prep time: Jelly setting time = about 2 hours

Preparation method

How to make: Make the jelly according to instructions on the packet, but use slightly less liquid than the instructions state (so use a total of 450ml ¾ pt). Make up the other ¼ (150 ml) of the liquid with fruit juice which should be added after the jelly has dissolved. Pour the jelly into ‘nose’ moulds (use either mini muffin trays, a plastic cup or a small storage pot depending on the nose size you want) and allow to set in the fridge or freezer. Cut the ends off the grapes and turn upside down to make the eyelids. Cut mango slices into ‘antler’ shapes. Turn the jelly noses out onto the centre of a plate – add eyes and antlers and a generous squirt of Anchor Chocolate Flavour Mousse Real Dairy Cream to create Rudolf’s face! Recipe by Anchor.

Recipe courtesy of
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PSC Team