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Potato Pizza

14th Mar 2012 - 13:12

Ingredients Serves 4 ·500g (1lb 2oz) potatoes, peeled ·3 tbsp Filippo Berio Olive Oil ·75g (3oz) self-raising flour ·extra olive oil for brushing Topping: ·3 tbsp Filippo Berio Olive Oil ·1 medium onion, finely chopped ·1 clove garlic, crushed ·200g can chopped tomatoes ·large pinch sugar ·1 tbsp chopped parsley ·1 yellow pepper, seeded and diced ·175g (6oz) cherry tomatoes, halved ·150g ball mozzarella cheese, drained and diced a few basil leaves

Preparation method

1. Cook potatoes in lightly salted water for about 15 minutes until tender. Heat the oven to 200°C/Fan 180°C/400°F/Gas Mark 6. 2. Drain the potatoes then return to the pan, add the olive oil and mash. Fold in the flour and mix to form a dough. Turn onto an oiled baking sheet and press out to an even round about 25cm (10”). Brush the top with oil then bake in the oven for 15 minutes until the edge of the pizza begins to crisp. 3. While the base is cooking, prepare the tomato sauce, heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a small frying pan, add the onion and garlic and cook over a medium heat until soft. 4. Stir in the chopped tomatoes and sugar and simmer for 5 minutes or until thickened. Season then add the parsley. 5. Put the diced pepper and halved tomatoes into a bowl, add the remaining tablespoons oil and some seasoning, toss together. 6. Take the pizza base out of the oven and spread the sauce over, add diced cheese, pepper and tomatoes with juices and oil. 7. Return to the oven and bake for 15 minutes. Scatter with torn basil leaves and serve. Recipe by Filippo Berio

Recipe courtesy of
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PSC Team