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Pheasant Burger with smokey applewood & red onion jam

15th Mar 2012 - 02:50

Makes 4 burgers 6x pheasant breast 400ml red wine juice & zest 1 orange 2 star anise 2 cloves Marinate over night. ½ stick celery 1 whole carrot (peeled) ½ white onion 1 clove garlic 6 rashers of streaky bacon salt/pepper Put the marinated breast, celery, carrot, onion, garlic & bacon through the mincer & season. Form a 180-200gm burger & dust with flour.

Preparation method

Red onion jam 6 onions sliced 150ml red wine vinegar 300ml red wine 150gm dark brown sugar Put in a pan & shimmer until liquid is reduced. 300ml port season Add and reduce until liquid is almost gone. Should take about 1 ½ hrs on low heat. To form burger Cook burger pattie in a med heat frying pan. When you have turned the pattie over place a thick slice of smoked applewood cheese on top and let it melt over the pattie, toast the bread roll, mix chiffenade of lettuce with mayo, salt/pepper & sliced beef tomato. Put the lettuce mix on top of the bottom bun, top with the tomato. Place burger pattie on top of that and finish with the onion jam. Lean the top of the bun against the burger and serve with skinny fries. Recipe from milsoms in Dedham, Essex

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PSC Team