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Mexican Pork Steaks

14th Mar 2012 - 11:33

Serves 10 800g lean pork collar cut into thin escallops 400g red and green peppers, cored seeded and sliced 300g red onions sliced 12 g chopped garlic, past or fresh 25ml corn oil 1/2tbs ground cumin 1 ground paprika 1/2tsp chilli powder 1 litre of tomato juice or 900g chopped tinned tomatoes 400ml chicken stock 300g corn, frozen or tinned

Preparation method

Dust the pork in a coating of the spices. Stir-fry the red onions with the peppers, and garlic in a little sunflower oil until the onions are soft and the peppers are still crispy. Remove from the pan and hold until required. Add the remaining oil to the pan if required, sauté the pork with any additional spices until coloured evenly on both sides. If time doesn’t allow just stir fry the meat to cook out the spices. Pour in the tomatoes and chicken stock, bring to the boil and simmer until the meat is cooked, approximately 30minutes. Add the onions and peppers along with the sugar, corn and a little ground pepper. Simmer for a further 15 minutes taste. Thicken the sauce with the addition of cornflower or arrow root broken down with a little cold water if required. Serve with mashed potatoes or boiled rice and seasonal vegetables. Nutritional Values Per portion based on recipe making 10 portions, 290g Energy 826kJ / 196kcal Carbohydrate 15g NME 3g Fat 7g Saturates 1.6g Protein 20g Fibre 2g Sodium 285mg Vitamin A 221 micrograms Vitamin C 32mg Folate 20 micrograms Calcium 35mg Iron 1.8mg Zinc 2.1mg Each portion provides over 2 portions of vegetables. Recipe supplied by BPEX Limited

Recipe courtesy of
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