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The Love Bite

14th Mar 2012 - 20:47

Ingredients: 1 medium baguette 1 clove garlic ¾ tub Philadelphia style cream cheese 5 Sundried tomatoes 5 Artichokes in oil or brine, cut into bite size pieces.

Preparation method

Take 1 medium baguette, tease open and gently rub with a cut clove of garlic. Take your virgin olive oil and lubricate well in preparation for filling. Smear with a generous amount of cream cheese and push in the heady combination of sundried tomatoes and artichokes. Keep stuffing until the cheese starts to ooze around the edges. Serve uncut - this double ended vegetarian delight will satisfy sandwich lovers everywhere. © The Vegetarian Society – (recipe created by the Cordon Vert cookery school)

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PSC Team