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14th Mar 2012 - 12:33

These recipes are from the 11th annual Skills for Chefs conference which took place on 23-24 June at The Octagon Centre, The University of Sheffield. Lingot ·Chocolate sponge ·110g milk chocolate ·32g butter ·22g praline paste ·3 eggs ·10g cocoa powder ·25g ground hazelnuts ·1 teaspoon of vanilla paste Milk chocolate mousse/Malt chocolate mousse ·150g milk chocolate ·75ml warm water ·75g fond ·375g double cream ·For the malt mousse use 225g white chocolate and 75g horlicks powder of malt powder. Chocolate glaze ·40ml heavy cream ·125ml clear nappage ·5ml water ·90g dark 70% chocolate (finely chopped) ·20g stock syrup ·Additional stock syrup may be needed for adjusting the consistency. Malt meringue ·2 egg whites ·120g sugar ·2 tablespoons of malt powder Popcorn sherbet 1.1 litre of milk 2.250g of butter 3.1 bag of microwave popcorn 4.1 teaspoon of salt 5.250g corn syrup or golden syrup 6.150g glucose syrup Caramel corn ·125g pop corn – popped ·150g corn syrup or golden syrup ·57g butter ·160g brown sugar ·1 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda ·1 teaspoon of vanilla ·salt Candid peanuts ·200ml simple syrup ·200g Spanish peanuts without skins ·Oil for frying.

Preparation method

Lingot 1.Preheat the oven to 325oF. 2.Melt the butter, milk chocolate and praline paste over a water bath. Sieve the cocoa powder and ground hazelnuts together. 3.Break the eggs into a bowl and add the vanilla paste and the sieved dry ingredients. Mix well to combine. Add the melted chocolate, praline paste and butter to the above ingredients and mix to a smooth batter. 4.Spread the batter over a lined baking tray approx. 11 mm thick. Bake for approx. 15 minutes in pre heated oven. Cool on the tray. Milk chocolate mousse/Malt chocolate mousse Place the fond into a bowl and add the warm water whisk until smooth. Add the melted chocolate and mix again well to combine. Lastly fold in the semi whipped cream. When making the chocolate malt mousse add the malt powder with the fond and replace the milk chocolate with the 225g white chocolate. Chocolate glaze 1.Boil the cream with the nappage, water and simple syrup. Pour over the finely chopped chocolate. Mix gently with a whisk to make smooth. Leave in the fridge overnight to firm and cool. Warm when needed over a water bath or in the microwave. 2.Place the bars onto a wire rack with a tray underneath it to catch any excess glaze. Spoon the hot glaze over the frozen bars. Note the bars must be frozen or else the bars may melt. If this happens cool the glaze slightly. 3.Remove the bars from the rack using a palette knife and place them on a tray lined with baking paper. Place them in the fridge. Malt meringue Whisk the egg whites with a third of the sugar till it reaches firm peaks. Add another third of the sugar and continue to whisk for a further minute. Add the remaining sugar and whisk for 30 seconds. Fold in the malt powder very gently so as not to lose any volume. Spread the meringue over a sheet pan lined with baking parchment. Bake at 200oF for approx. 1 hr until the meringue is dry and crisp. Once the meringue is cold break it into pieces. Popcorn sherbet Boil the milk and add the butter and popped corn. Infuse for one hour. Strain the mix through a fine strainer. Chill completely until the butter has risen to the top of the mix. Skim off as much of the butter as you can. Warm the glucose and corn syrup and stir into the mix. Whisk well and spin in an ice cream machine until frozen and smooth. Caramel corn Cook the corn syrup, butter and brown sugar to 238oF. Add the bicarbonate of soda and the vanilla. Pour over the popped corn and add the salt. Mix well until the popcorn is coated. Dry in a oven set at 100oC for approx. 1 hr and 30 minutes. Turn every ½ hour Candid peanuts Cook the peanuts in the simple syrup until the syrup thickens to the thread stage. Remove the peanuts with a spider drainer and plunge into the hot oil. When they become nicely browned remove the spider onto a silpat mat and separate. Assembly 1.Cut a length of malt mousse approx. 1 inch in length and roll it in the broken meringue. 2.Place the log of mousse onto the top of the glazed chocolate bar. 3.Finish with candid peanuts and gold leaf. 4.Place the bar onto a plate finished with caramel butter cream and chocolate sauce. 5.Serve with the caramel corn and popcorn sherbet as shown.

Recipe courtesy of
Written by
PSC Team