Mediterranean mussels season starts in May and ends in September. Ingredients (4 servings): · 1 kg. of fresh mussels · 750 grams of leeks · 500 grams of potatoes · 3 garlic cloves · 100 ml of cider · 1 sprig of thyme · 1 bay leaf · a bit of saffron · 1 litre of water · 4 tbs of olive oil · Salt
Directions: 1. Clean the leeks and keep the white part only. Draw a cross with a knife in the upper part of their leaves to ease their cleaning. Chop in small pieces. Reserve. 2. Peel, cut and wash the potatoes and the garlic. Put to one side. 3. Pour the olive oil in a casserole dish and add the garlic. Golden them at medium heat and add the leeks and some salt (just a bit because the mussels’ water is salty). 4. Stir for 1 minute and pour in the water. When it starts boiling, lower the heat and simmer for 15 minutes. 5. Add the potatoes and cook for another 20 minutes. 6. Meanwhile clean the mussels under the tap and remove anything attached to the shells. 7. Place a pot on the hob and add the cider, the thyme and the bay leaf, bring to the boil and add the cleaned mussels. Cover the pot and steam the mussels. When they are all opened, turn heat off and put to one side. 8. With a food processor, mix the leeks and potatoes to a thick puree. 9. Strain the mussels and keep the juice. 10. Add 200 ml of the mussels juice to the puree and mix again. Taste and add more for stronger flavor. 11. Serve with some mussels on top and a bit of saffron, as a garnish. For more inspiration about where to eat in Spain and how to create Spanish dishes visit