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Lamb cutlets with Cumberland sauce and roasted hazelnuts

14th Mar 2012 - 11:10

Oil 1oz butter 1 pair best end lamb cutlets, fat trimmed off 2tsbp English Provender Co. Cumberland Sauce 2oz chopped fresh hazelnuts 2oz butter 8oz cooked new potatoes, sliced 2tbsp chopped shallots Handful of rocket leaves 2tbsp English Provender Co. Mint Sauce with Balsamic Vinegar

Preparation method

1. Heat the oil and add 1oz butter. Seal the lamb all over until brown, lift out and leave to cool slightly. 2. Smear the lamb with Cumberland Sauce and dip into chopped hazelnuts. Put on a oven rack and roast 200C for 12 minutes. 3. Meanwhile melt 2oz butter in a frying pan and sauté the potatoes for 3 mins. Season and add chopped shallots, continuing to fry until soft. 4. Take lamb out of oven and leave to rest. Divide potatoes between 2 plates. Slice the lamb and lay on top. Toss the rocket in Mint Sauce with Balsamic Vinegar Sauce and arrange on top of the lamb. Serve.

Recipe courtesy of
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