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King prawns and scallops with Basmati Rice

14th Mar 2012 - 07:25

0.5pt double or whipping cream 6 king prawns cucumber or tomato to decorate pre-cooked Basmati rice (enough to fill a large ramekin) 2 sprigs fresh parsley 2 fl oz fish stock 6 scallops paprika

Preparation method

Fry the king prawns and scallops off until partly browned. Pour in the cream and add the fish stock. Turn the heat down to medium and add one or two pinches of paprika to taste and some chopped fresh parsley. Turn heat up to high for a couple of minutes, ensuring that the sauce does not boil over. Grease a large ramekin and cut the cucumber or tomato into a claw, placing it in the bottom of the dish. Add the rice and press down tightly. Cover the ramekin with clingfilm and heat in the microwave for two minutes until piping hot. Run a knife around the edge of the rice to loosen and then place a large dish over the top, turning over the ramekin carefully to leave a perfect rice cake in the centre of the plate with the cucumber or tomato on the top. Pour the king prawns, scallops and sauce around the bed of rice, add garnish of tomato rose or some parsley and serve. Supplied by: The Portsmouth Hoy, Poole, Dorset

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