14th Mar 2012 - 22:05
Makes: As many ‘chicks’ as you wish You will need: Dried mango slices or dried apricots (for beaks & feet) Pre-made individual meringues (two per chick) 1 fresh mango, peeled and sliced Anchor Extra Thick Real Dairy Cream Tube of black icing or currants (for eyes)
Preparation method
How to make: Cut dried mango or apricots into diamond shapes, fold in half for the beaks and cut a small square and zig zag one edge to make the feet Take two meringues and place a slice of the fresh mango on one half and squirt the Anchor Extra Thick Real Dairy Cream onto the other – carefully sandwich together Push beaks into the cream and sit the chick on the feet Add eyes and serve straight away and enjoy! Recipe from www.anchorsquirtymoments.co.uk
Recipe courtesy of